

Monday, October 12, 2015

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."

James E. Faust

From obedience we gain things like loyalty and respect. When you get rid of the worry of the lack of these two it becomes simpler to look at obedience as a building block toward communication and social interactions. Rather than looking at obedience as such a negative thing, people in sports look at as a positive thing. If a student of martial arts disobeys his master/teacher/sensei will look at him in a negative light, but when a student obeys he is offered more insight and lessons.
 When a troubled child disobeys his elders he is looked at as immature, and he is revoked of entertainment. However, when a non-problematic child disobeys people see this as a sudden change, and some think it won't go away. Therefore, this causes the child to be looked at negatively and thus causes the need to make wrongs right, and the constant need for acceptance is constant struggle. All due to one slip. Obedience has many positive repercussions, but we must remember "there must be balance for everything to work", and so we can say there are also negative repercussions for being obedient.

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